How About a Peach Fundraiser?
Calling all schools, churches or any organizations that are looking to make money selling peaches. We have a program to help you out. We offer a fundraising program where we give a discount so you can make money. You can make $10 a box or more on the peaches and have fun doing it. As an example, if you are a school and you have 500 students and each student sold one box to their folks, that would generate $5000!!! (500x$10) Pretty sweet! No telling how many you sell if Grandma and Grandpa wanted to buy some too!
Last season we would have sold a box of peaches to you at $41.75 and you could sell them for $52, a $10-$12 profit. So if you would sell 200 boxes, you make $2000 for your group. If you sold 500 boxes that would generate $5000 in profits for your organization. This is only an example of last years business. This will be on a first come first serve basis.
In prior years, you would have to sell a pallet or 80 boxes to get the discount. This year we will work with people because we know with most this will be their first year. Now that doesn't mean if you sell only 10 boxes that you are going to get the discount. We will visit with everyone to help them understand what is the expectation to get the discount. Most will have no problem selling enough boxes to get the discount.
I keep the peaches in my refrigerated trailer until you are ready for me to deliver them to your location. I won't deliver them for you but I will bring them to a spot to drop them off to you. The drop off points for this year will be, Derby, Kansas City, Emporia, Ness City, Smith Center, Wichita and Russell Kansas.
The only way that you get your name on the list as an active participant is to email me at peachesinkansas@gmail.com and give me your name, phone number, email address and the groups name that will be selling peaches. That is when you are officially on the list as one of the fund raising participants.
We would also ask that you would take pictures of your fundraising so we could put those pictures on our website so others could see your success. Peaches are an easy fundraising tool. The first year is the hardest because you don't have any customers. The second year and after gets to be fun because all the hard work is done. You just continue to add customers after that.